Trame sonore du documentaire Now, Forager composée par Chris Brokaw de The New Year et Codeine.
A1 Lucien Theme A2 Picnic A3 Fall Woods A4 Poison Mushroom A5 Exemptive A6 Pine Barrens A7 Undrum A8 Garrison Piano A9 Packaged Mushrooms A10 Leaving DC A11 Regina’s Going To Rhode Island A12 Meat Babies B1 Winter Mushroom Hallucination NYC B2 Driving from RI to NY B3 The Rule Of Ten B4 Spring: Symbiotic Vs. Parasitic B5 Go, Forager (Closing Credits) B6 Fish Butchery B7 Regina Subway B8 Regina Drive Back From Rhode Island B9 Entrance To The Garrisons' B10 No Buyers